FC Navigation Console

mAh hOwMpAgE

elo! Welcam tu may howmpeyg! it's may ferst taym to meyk wan end as u kan reed abav it's ander konstraksyon sow yul just hav tu beyr wid mi....eniwey I just meyd wan just sow I kan sey I hav wan.....hehehehe...wel dis peyg eynt fer nuthin'...naw i kan sey I hav wan! and u kud tsek awt may LINX...I think deyr priti gud...hehehe...don't worry somethin' cool will will come up on dis peyg.

anyways... My name is Gabriel, Gab fer short ,15 yrs. old end prom the Phils. I'm a 3rd yr. high school student in Don Bosco Technical College, Mandaluyong section 370...were saposed to specialize on comps. but i eynt plannin' to take a comp course in college...hehe

Mah Interests:


RC's (Radio Controlled Cars) I have an Associated RC10T3 team kit hehehe....

Music: HipHop/ R&B Soul

PC Games (action/strategy)

Net Surfing

Chat (my chat nick: ^SfX^ ) server:Undernet/channel: #tops, #stscho, #bosconian

ICQ (my ICQ # = 41774509)


Team Associated Website (RC manufacturer)

Badger's Animated GIF Gallery (self-explanatory)

a cool, funny webpage by Dawgbone

Lazy Lizard's Webpage (cool animated GIF's, wallpapers etc)

mIRC ( chat prog)

Blizzard.com (games)

PlanetUnreal (games)

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